borrowed wisdom is dangerous. pouquoi? cuz as einstein so rightly said; common sense is a mere series of misconseptions one gathers before one turns 18. so, yes..whilst em is waiting for moMie to finish groceries shOpping..em is at it again after weeKs of dis-connexionne. *which felt like a century; thank you very much*
em don't believe in conventional wisdom of the hoardes. i suppose i'd always follow my gut feel although after much rationalization and series of borrowed wisdOm. no, em don't suppose I can blurt nor impOse my idealism of reality and so-called sacrificial expectations on another.
if so, and so possible; why not D.I.Y. * dO unto others as thOu would like others to do unto thyself* Oui. & why NOT. perception of value lies with thyself. tho it will sort-of-feels like em re-living histOry. but then again, i suppose in hindsIght; haf no regrets. if one really cared; selfishness should never be the R-dictionary. otHerwise, it's meaningless 'n all but just vaNity. =). naive. est ma vie.
just like em suppose to finish yet aNother's review; em here @ bSC starbucks sipping a cuppa hOt-chOc and posting randOm thoughts after manicUre+pedicUre session *long-overdue* since like 1; i repeat....yes, ONE year!
gee..when i was just about to really sTart eM's series of *temporary-insanity-in-the-form-of letters-diarrhoea*. she's done. i've to go get d car and drive to the frOnt porch to pick her with d harVests for the day. guess I spoil her silly like she does me. *smiles*.
p/s: je detest the layout here =( PAGING trevOr, sArah & ian. S.O.S. will renovate this site laters with d help of eM's contractOr; interior decoratOr & fittings sPecialist (yes, in that order) *winks*. will post me birthDae pics & pressIes here as sOon as me cellular returns frOm the clinic.
em don't believe in conventional wisdom of the hoardes. i suppose i'd always follow my gut feel although after much rationalization and series of borrowed wisdOm. no, em don't suppose I can blurt nor impOse my idealism of reality and so-called sacrificial expectations on another.
if so, and so possible; why not D.I.Y. * dO unto others as thOu would like others to do unto thyself* Oui. & why NOT. perception of value lies with thyself. tho it will sort-of-feels like em re-living histOry. but then again, i suppose in hindsIght; haf no regrets. if one really cared; selfishness should never be the R-dictionary. otHerwise, it's meaningless 'n all but just vaNity. =). naive. est ma vie.
just like em suppose to finish yet aNother's review; em here @ bSC starbucks sipping a cuppa hOt-chOc and posting randOm thoughts after manicUre+pedicUre session *long-overdue* since like 1; i repeat....yes, ONE year!
gee..when i was just about to really sTart eM's series of *temporary-insanity-in-the-form-of letters-diarrhoea*. she's done. i've to go get d car and drive to the frOnt porch to pick her with d harVests for the day. guess I spoil her silly like she does me. *smiles*.
p/s: je detest the layout here =( PAGING trevOr, sArah & ian. S.O.S. will renovate this site laters with d help of eM's contractOr; interior decoratOr & fittings sPecialist (yes, in that order) *winks*. will post me birthDae pics & pressIes here as sOon as me cellular returns frOm the clinic.