Friday, September 26, 2008

Security Position Inputs

Complete. Enforceable. At Risk. To be Released. Released in Period.

At Risk
.em not exactly thrilled right now.
.to be further discussed in consultation with em's risk manager & the stakeholder.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

haiKu em ~ it's cOming!!!!

forget bugs buNnies em! must chase datelines for sumiputeh, olympia, qL & baNdar-raya. it's monday toMoro!!

dOin me mAth

chasing rabbits can b fun. but what if there were too many raBbits in the park. ahh. here comes the applicatIOn of calculus 202. education not wasted. *grins*. options are aplenty. methodically going about it will be like dOin probability trees. but well, gut/heart/instinctive feel with a pinch of reality thrown-in is the route i'd chosen in l'past and likely will continue to opt for.
1stly, em cannot let my heart win. u see, my heart and i are really 2 separate legal entities with vastly differing operating policies.
2ndly, to always act in my best interest as one have always so adamantly advocated. this is where i think v are different. although launching a discourse will end in a paradoxical conclusion. cuz it's only my best interest ceteris paribus. in c'est la vie; it's an economic rarity to say the least.
3rdly, to be happy 'n never be regretful of anythin. be it neither the path undertaken nor the road not taken. that was em's approach then. but have definitely learnt 1 thing from you. perhaps, one could in fact build one's own path if neither seemed plausible (oh, nay.. it should be the superhighway; cuz em not sure a porsche could be driven the way it was engineered to do on a.. uhmm pathway *lolz*)
given the foregOing ; em will apprecIate the preseNt. to fOcus and not let the "having-it-all" mentality cloud prudent judgments. waKe up everyday to do better; be in it work; relating to others or to care and give of the best of me.
i.e. to not lose passIOn in what i do to boredOm and complacency. in the pursuit of these, to never lose sight of priorities; taking a break to live the moment,spend more time w. l'familiƩ, making effOrt to catch up with l'amis; impromptu weEkend-away et vOus mon cherIƩ. in retro-spect; may-b i do have it all alreAdy *sMiles*.
for the record; its gOin to be: a 2. complete ccp. into the woods. cfa. cheveNing 'n wherever life takes me. OR. corporate advisory. merlion grad schooL. part-time workahOlic 'n wherever life takes me. OR. bricket. dcm. kangArOo grad school 'n wherever life takes me. OR grad school. tutor cum writer. lil monsters 'n a golden retriever with the lov of my life. the former is by far the simplest and yet possibly d hardest to achIeve. to be revisited semi-annually.

tHinking cap for aNgel's

aUntie belinda's call reminded em on our need to think of s.thin for the following visIt...hmm...em needs to put on me thInking cap. will need to raise funds for the kids. november will be a good month to put together sumthin. to be gIven more though post-Oct *sMiles*.

after rOunds of play dates (pixs sOonie, if not for em's sillyness drOwning me phone)...fOr the coming w.end, would recKon a pre-exam tutOring sesSIon cum lunch would be good. we could buy-in lunch tOo.

c'est fait les enfants? to run by d team on mOndae k *wInks*.

fOr a purpOse drIven la Vie.

Luv, eM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

mid-autUmn weDding beLLs

bOon wee & chaiLing's new pod

LeO 'n miZim with the blushing bride

ping: bOon weE: chaiLing: ian: enGHOng: weidar: wai him
A tOast to the newlyweDs

pix perfect

lurve this pic with chAiLing 'n jazline

the entOurage

steaLing shOts priOr

em 'n besties jeSsie 'n mzm

pApparAzi-ing d brIde

To bOonwee 'n chaiLing for the frienDship that brOught them togethEr 'n may they continUe to their jOurney with jOy 'n lOve each day

y0u mAke it real for mE

There's so much craziness, surrounding me
There's so much going on, it gets hard to breathe
When all my faith has gone, you bring it back to me
You make it real for me when I'm not sure of my priorities

When I've lost sight of where I'm meant to be
You make it real for me

You are the only one who saved me
That's why I've been missing you lately
Cause you make it real for me
When my head is strong, but my heart is weak

I'm full of arrogance, and uncertainty
When I can't find the words, you teach my heart to speak
You make it real for me

Everybody's talking in words I don't understand
You got to be the only one who knows just who I am
You're shinin in the distance
I hope I can make it through

Cause the only place that I want to be
Is right back home with you
I guess there's so much more I have to learn
But if you're here with me, I know which way to turn

You always give me somewhere, Somewhere I can learn
You make it real for me
And I'm running to you baby
Cause you are the only one who save me
That's why I've been missing you lately
Cause you make it real for me

Plagiarize frOm james mOrrisOn

Sunday, September 7, 2008

For the Days @ 288 baLestier rOad

not forgetting swissotel but em wil do a LIFO instead this time *winks*. viva vivo arrival. pink at hitachi. a sick baby. l'hospital. heart pains by just loOking. holland brunch. sneak peak @ wilkie. reading on a rainy day outside bOrders. oinkie em becoMing more pigleti on a sat nite *blushes guiltily* but luv d cuddles. american brekkie; keeping a watchful so no one gets thrown into the river *giggles*. relaxing at tCC w. drizzles on its glass ceilings *one my fav moments*. almost walked frOm balestier to club street to hav seNso *LOLz* v were so sO tired *me bad*. best waking-up alarm ever on Monday *grinzz*. Cannelle with yuan. nostalgic lunching. creme brulee @ the oLd old post Office =) . jum-Bo dinner scouting for lanterns priOr. missing-u already. leavIng b.road playround. play to rEsume at an undisclosed location. in the mean time; off to treat withdrawal symptoms.
p/s: gtg dOLL for davId & sHaron's. to be continued ...

A tOast to David & Sharon

CongratulatiOns on your Holy Matrimony. May your marriage be Blessed and filled with God's Love all the days of your lives.

Living Out Loud

Dear God, it's em. it's been a while since our last *communication*. hav been too pre-occupied with both work & d works *giggles*. it shouldn't be this way and em sorie but i know you'll understand. em would like to thank you for this joie de vivre in the form of Keeping Emily Neccessarily Nicely Yippie most of the time. despite it all, it have been unexpectedly very wonderful. it wasn't as difficult as em initially thought it would be though withdrawal symptoms can get quite unbearable.
would very much lurve to capture moi joie de vivre of daily snapshOts as I used to in em's living out loud on d www. after all, this blog purports the above. to enlist em's ups & downs; peoples of whom I have the pleasure in knowing & still do *smiles*; places and experiences of which em lucky to have been to; thoughts & mischiefs; random errOrs & fave mistakes if you like etc. etc. etc.
but em feels em leaning towards being more self-absorbed of late with the crossroads em put meself in. not a bad crossroad to begin with but still it requires again "more-than-usual-thinking". especially with the traffic lights flashing between heart & head. now to find the sign which is consistent with two-prong objectivity *smiles*. shall leave it at this. em happie with nothing much to rant about but d lack of time and sleep.
Read an article today on the rising soy prices. but seriously peeps; rising food prices are more critical than energy prices. what more with the latter issue where alternative fuel using food is gaining greater focus. it exarcebates the former really. ultimately, it puts pressure on the man on the street. no it's not the man on wall street in his 5-grand zegna suit or the socialite partying at Prive on her jimmy cHoo's but those like Ruslan in Ponorogo of East Java.
Ruslan like many others blame this on the developed & seemingly rich nations; to many that would be the Banana Republic. they are not all wrong but em feels these sentiments are not duly justified. these sentiments arises due to Ruslan's own leaders mis-managing their own economies and delude its poor citizens on how Banana & Gang exploit their otherwise resource rich nations. It's only natural. I feel for people like Ruslan. Having done all they can to earn a decent living and yet. Poverty and with little hope for a better future for his family and children. And to think setting off bombs will make these problems go away and at least make a difference.
I hope it were that easy. But it's not. However, it's simple truly. If we could only see beyond today & ourselves. Nonetheless, I pray for the day where we could all can live it out loud. to enjoy the sun lying on that lil green patch of grass on a cool spring day or on soft sandy beaches with sounds of waves teasing the shores like someone i know would love to do. how lovely would that be. c'est tres bien~.
with all that I pray dear Lord. em know's one can never be everything to everbody. there's only so much we can do. but guide me Lord, in all these joie de vivre's you have given unto me so that I too, in my own little way be a blessing to others.