chasing rabbits can b fun. but what if there were too many raBbits in the park. ahh. here comes the applicatIOn of calculus 202. education not wasted. *grins*. options are aplenty. methodically going about it will be like dOin probability trees. but well, gut/heart/instinctive feel with a pinch of reality thrown-in is the route i'd chosen in l'past and likely will continue to opt for.
1stly, em cannot let my heart win. u see, my heart and i are really 2 separate legal entities with vastly differing operating policies.
2ndly, to always act in my best interest as one have always so adamantly advocated. this is where i think v are different. although launching a discourse will end in a paradoxical conclusion. cuz it's only my best interest ceteris paribus. in c'est la vie; it's an economic rarity to say the least.
3rdly, to be happy 'n never be regretful of anythin. be it neither the path undertaken nor the road not taken. that was em's approach then. but have definitely learnt 1 thing from you. perhaps, one could in fact build one's own path if neither seemed plausible (oh, nay.. it should be the superhighway; cuz em not sure a porsche could be driven the way it was engineered to do on a.. uhmm pathway *lolz*)
given the foregOing ; em will apprecIate the preseNt. to fOcus and not let the "having-it-all" mentality cloud prudent judgments. waKe up everyday to do better; be in it work; relating to others or to care and give of the best of me.
i.e. to not lose passIOn in what i do to boredOm and complacency. in the pursuit of these, to never lose sight of priorities; taking a break to live the moment,spend more time w. l'familiƩ, making effOrt to catch up with l'amis; impromptu weEkend-away et vOus mon cherIƩ. in retro-spect; may-b i do have it all alreAdy *sMiles*.
for the record; its gOin to be: a 2. complete ccp. into the woods. cfa. cheveNing 'n wherever life takes me. OR. corporate advisory. merlion grad schooL. part-time workahOlic 'n wherever life takes me. OR. bricket. dcm. kangArOo grad school 'n wherever life takes me. OR grad school. tutor cum writer. lil monsters 'n a golden retriever with the lov of my life. the former is by far the simplest and yet possibly d hardest to achIeve. to be revisited semi-annually.