Sunday, September 21, 2008

tHinking cap for aNgel's

aUntie belinda's call reminded em on our need to think of s.thin for the following visIt...hmm...em needs to put on me thInking cap. will need to raise funds for the kids. november will be a good month to put together sumthin. to be gIven more though post-Oct *sMiles*.

after rOunds of play dates (pixs sOonie, if not for em's sillyness drOwning me phone)...fOr the coming w.end, would recKon a pre-exam tutOring sesSIon cum lunch would be good. we could buy-in lunch tOo.

c'est fait les enfants? to run by d team on mOndae k *wInks*.

fOr a purpOse drIven la Vie.

Luv, eM

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